An Update

So we have some news.

First, the GoFundMe has gone so well. Everyone has been crazy generous; it’s very humbling. And, crazily enough, GoFundMe itself gave us $750! Thanks, GoFundMe!

Also, we sent a package to Q that included a photobook. The orphanage sent back an a video of her looking through it, which was good to see. We found out she’s healthy and plays with friends, which was great to hear.

Finally, an update to this video, we’ve confirmed that we’ll be picking her up on August 27th! Holy moly.

OUr Family has some news! 

Mom, Mom! There’s something in my mouth!

<minutes go by>

Oh. It’s my finger


– Keen ZoRa


Check out the about page if you want to know more about us, or the blog page for more timely information. At the moment, our big project is adopting a kid. See the video for information. Check out the Ways to Help page for, you know, ways to help.


Moxie smiling


I’m five and living life and loving it. I like all the things that are likable: unicorns, ponies and bugs. And I…eh, who are we kidding? You know what I’m here for. One show, man. Just one show. My folks don’t have to know. One show. It can even be PBSkids. Just something, anything. I’ve got Chuck E Cheese tokens. Lots.

Keen hit me first.

Jess smiling


Contact me for all social engagements, because my husband will say no. I’m also not a spy.

Strider not smiling


I am a dad with daughters so, you know, I care about sexism and misogyny and all that. I can’t look them in the eye and tell them these things are ok. They’re daughters! And mine!

Really. My wife is a girl too. 

Keen smiling


Hey. Hey! Hey! Hey! The green light is at the bottom. It’s always at the bottom. Why is the yellow light yellow? You should go. It’s a fast road. Why can’t you put the green light on top, Daddy?