Well, I went for an acupuncture appointment that is specifically geared towards induction.  I’ll let you know if it worked. I guess I can’t really tell you if it worked.  I don’t have a control case Jessica who didn’t have acupuncture to compare with treatment case Jessica.  Ok. Moving on.

The woman I met with suggested that, instead of feeling frustrated about the baby being late, think about all the fun things to look forward to with a new baby.  I am going to start a list. Please, chime in:

  • Dress her up in all the sweet clothes everyone has given us
  • Take pictures of her and make funny captions giving her a sense of humor before she can even see straight (this will mostly be Strider’s responsibility)
  • Begin weaning her off oxygen and onto helium–we want that cute baby sound to be permanent
  • Watch the responses from our dogs when we bring her home.  We feel pretty confident that Gyges won’t think anything is that weird and immediately accept her into the pack.  However, Pili will likely add the baby to her list of things she is completely petrified of.  That list includes: strangers, card board, the mail man, sneezing, and the stroller. 

Any other ideas?

Hi Friends and Family!

Jess would later give birth to a 4 of diamonds.
Was that the card you were thinking of?

As we await (not so patiently) the arrival of our daughter we thought we would get our blog up and running.  We want to share our adventures with you but weren’t sure the right medium to do so.  We considered phone trees, beginning with our moms and letting the information branch out from there, hand written letters using carbon paper, email updates, and an MTV reality show.  After serious review we figured out this blog would be our choice. Anyway, please check in with us every once in a while and see how things are developing in our neck of the woods.

In the news: Little Missy Colorado’s due date *was* August 23rd.  However, here, today August 28th she still remains snuggled comfortably in my gut.  Our new working theory is that she is actually an elephant and will need 22 months to gestate instead of the measly nine human babies need.  Actually, our midwife practice will induce labor at 42 weeks so worst case is this child will be born around September 6th. 

We are all set for LMC’s arrival.  We have our hospital bag packed (mostly) and the various numbers programed into our phones.  We will let you know as soon as something happens.

Well, welcome to the blog!  We hope it won’t be too terribly boring.

Jess and Strider