- “Mathematicians”? No, one mathematician. One mathematician that, in fact, is a mathematics honors graduate who now hosts a game show in Australia (yes, I googled her). I don’t require letters after your name to be a “mathematician,” but come on, a single expository paper as evidence may be lacking.
- “Stumble upon”? Other than pi, is there any nontrivial number more discussed in pop science than the Golden Ratio? And applying that ratio to the subject of subjective beauty…that’s as standard an application of the Golden Ratio there is. Stumbling upon this is like “stumbling upon” putting butter on your hand to more quickly escape a handshake; sure, maybe no one ever thought of it before, but butter is one obvious option for achieving a less frictionful interaction. And in this case, there isn’t even an alternative to the Golden Ratio.
- This article has caused me to capitalize “Golden Ratio” in this post. This is a terrible turn of events.
- “Ratio based on da Vinci’s Mona Lisa”? Really? This is where this ratio comes from? The Greeks, Sumerians and Ancient Chinese were just a bunch of innumerate chumps that lucked out once in a while? This makes it sound like someone said, “Hey, you know what’s beautiful? The Mona Lisa. That’s beautiful. Let’s measure her face.” And thus, the golden ratio.
- Ok, ok. Maybe it’s just a bad headline; that wouldn’t be the first. But look into the article at this newly defined term “Golden Number.” A woman’s personal Golden Number is defined as a woman’s shoulder height, plus heel length, divided by the golden ratio. What? Talk about an overly bombastic name. The whole point of “golden” in “golden ratio” is to use the fact that gold is special to indicate that the ratio is special, unique even, with a myriad of important applications. “Golden Number”? Not special, not unique, severely limited in scope. How about “Personal Suggested Sartorial Length”? Go crazy and replace “suggested” with “perfect”; I don’t care. But golden number? If I had a test for lack of creativity, there would be one question: “What should you call this term?” If you answer “golden number”, you pass with honors. (P.S. I’m guessing this name was invented by the “mathematician” that “stumbled upon” this dress length formula, so there are no innocents here.)
- As a friend pointed out, women generally have multiple shoes, probably with varying heel heights. If you have 13 shoes, do you have 13 Golden Numbers? It’s not even a number special for the individual!
- Besides, “Golden number” is taken, making this neologistic patricide.
- In case you were wondering, “perfect pins” are nice-looking legs. This is just an informational bullet.
- To return to razzing the “mathematician” (which I continue to put in quotes because I am an ungenerous, mean snark), what kind of discovery is this!??! This is a two step thought: beauty -> golden ratio -> adjust for big head. I’m thinking this was the result of procrastination. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe she looked at several formulae, some involving variables other than height of a woman, like width, stance, head-to-body proportion, strappiness of heels, etc. and measured their results against accepted images of beauty. I don’t know. BUT THAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH THE FREAKING ARTICLE. There is no indication to me that this was not just made up by the one person they found in Australia that can do calculus and wear form-fitting dresses. I know I have to take the research on faith to some extent, but come on. Come on.
- Ok, this is nitpicky, but when did we start “arm[ing people] with tools”? What are women going to do with their “golden number”, extirpate me with the visage of their perfect pins? (Yes, I just wanted to use the word “extirpate” and am allowed to slightly stretch the meaning since the “mathematician” has taken such liberty with “arm”.)
- As a side note, I cannot take any article seriously that suggests a women wear cropped jackets and high-waisted pants; I don’t care what your virtual waistline might be.
- On the other hand, the last line of the article, so simple and set apart as it is, enthralls me.
- I’m not making points anymore. Just sentences. Well, not even that.
- Seriously, though, this is math in the popular press. (I know it’s the Australian press, but the U.S. is not better; it just has less of an accent.) How is the layman supposed to value math when this is the treatment given by the information recorders and conveyors of our society? How is he supposed to have any appreciation for the work that goes into math when they report no work, just decree truth? How does this inspire any young people to try math and not think of it as stodgy? (It looks like fashion applications are played out because, according to this article, this “mathematician” found the number, so we’re done. Maybe a little work can done in its application to stockings.) Maybe enthralling youth is not the responsibility of this journalist but why, then, write this article as anything other than fashion advice?
Month: November 2012
We have arrived. Last night marks the fourth night Moxie has slept 6+ hours straight! Last night she made it 9 hours! From 1030 to 730!! It all seems pretty magical.
Now we are going to start figuring out how to transition her to her own room. Mostly because she is out growing her beautiful borrowed bassinet. Truth be told, I love having her sleeping right next to us. She makes the coolest noises. But–I’m going back to work in a week so sleep will become even more important.
On Thanksgiving morning Grizzly, Strider, Moxie, and I went for a walk in the woods behind our house. Oh, we took the dogs too. Melanie, Griz’s wife, was also at the house but slept through the hike in preparation for the day’s festivities. Gyges and Pili hadn’t been back in the woods for a while so it was all very exciting. Lots of sniffing to do. We got to see the giant trees that fell during Super Duper Storm Sandy.
Grizzly and Moxie decided to wear fun hats during the walk: Moxie in a cupcake and Grizzly with wings. Jess stole the hat from Grizzly because she is a wuss. You will note that Strider and I are totally bundled up and Griz has only a long sleeve shirt. He spent much of his early life in Mongolia and thus is very comfortable in cold weather. He actually radiates heat.
They dressed like twins. |
Somehow Griz got stuck walking the dogs (heehee). |
They aren’t actually smiling–these are the facial expressions of men looking directly into the sun. |
These two had lots to discuss. Topics ranged from software to make movies to high jumping techniques. |
If I don’t say so myself. I think she’s the cutest pa-tootiest. Today she got all dressed in one outfit and then had an explosion that required a wardrobe change just 30 minutes into the day. She hasn’t messed with (in) this outfit yet so we got some pictures. No real point to this story–just sharing some pictures of Moxie. We think she’s the Bee’s Knees.
On the day after Thanksgiving we hung out with Helen. She is about to move to San Francisco to start a new exciting chapter in her life. Anyway she hung with the Dorsey-Lee’s for a bit and we farted around, saw a movie (this is the part where a house explodes), and ate pho. It was pretty cool.
The movie going experience could have been a disaster but instead Moxie slept through most of it, nursed, and then looked at the back lit star on the wall of the theater. Well, that was until it all got really intense: the credits rolled. Nevermind the explosions, flashes, and actions scenes. Moxie love-love-loved the credits. Her eyes got wide, her mouth opened and she froze as she watched the magic happen. Silly girl.
Moxie got very very comfortable hanging out with Helen in the morning. |
Post Pho Haze. |
Strider took a really cute series of photos of Moxie in her new slippers (too big for her but cute all the same). The really make her giant feet look bigger–awesome.
This is no camera trick. Her feet are that big. Please, make jokes about saving money on ski rentals. |
She slow mo falls over when we leave her there to sit. It’s pretty darn cute. |
Moxie’s Thanksgiving went really well. We were grateful for the family and friends we got to spend time with and missed those we didn’t get to see. We spent the day with the Shaffer cousins: Ryan and Helen, the Mark-Tucker Clan: Tony, Karen, and Ruby, and the Marks: Jerry and Sue. We ate delicious food (none of which we contributed–Karen gave us a pass this year with the new baby–we appreciate it because we can barely dress ourselves these days), had wonderful conversation, and spent time with people we love.
Moxie wore her special Thanksgiving outfit we got for like 75% off at Janie and Jack. She looked super cute:
Moxie sits up (sort of) showing off her outfit. |
Moxie and Dad hanging at the Mark-Tuckers |
Little Miss Wiggle Feet posing for the camera |
We hung out and helped out in prep for the delicious dinner. We also skyped with Hannah (studying abroad in Scotland this semester).
I’m on the couch chatting with Hannah while others debate the fiscal cliff. |
Queen of the Kitchen rocking her scene. |
Moxie and Sue say “Hi” to Hannah. |
Enjoying convos and apps. |
Dinner was, of course, really good and so was the conversation. Moxie slept for most of the meal in the ErgoBaby carrier and then hung out being cute for the rest.
Check out how much fun everyone is having. |
Discussing the intelligence of babies. |
Moxie, in phase one of her plan, takes off her dress and then poops through her diaper. |
After a delicious meal and a giant baby bowel movement we retired to the living room to carry on conversation in slightly cooler climes.
Here’s what Moxie wore after the blow out. |
Cousins chill and Ruby works some photo magic on Strider’s iPhone. |
Chatty Chattersons. |
Good times were had by all. Stay tuned to see what we did on Black Friday. A house explodes. No kidding.
Folks, big doins today. Moxie spent her first half day at daycare. She goes to stay with a wonderful woman named Rita who lives about 4 blocks from our house. She has several other children: another infant named Vivian, two toddlers named Sydney and Natian, and then a few one dayers here and there.