On the day after Thanksgiving we hung out with Helen.  She is about to move to San Francisco to start a new exciting chapter in her life.  Anyway she hung with the Dorsey-Lee’s for a bit and we farted around, saw a movie (this is the part where a house explodes), and ate pho.  It was pretty cool.

The movie going experience could have been a disaster but instead Moxie slept through most of it, nursed, and then looked at the back lit star on the wall of the theater.  Well, that was until it all got really intense: the credits rolled.  Nevermind the explosions, flashes, and actions scenes.  Moxie love-love-loved the credits.  Her eyes got wide, her mouth opened and she froze as she watched the magic happen.  Silly girl.

Moxie got very very comfortable hanging out with Helen in the morning.

Post Pho Haze.

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