As you all know in the first trimester of my pregnancy Strider and I moved across the country–perfect timing. Before we were only 1.5 hours from my parents and 8 from his. We were close to our immediate family. Well, living out here in DC things are different. We appreciate the Mark Tuckers and our friends here on the East Coast but it is hard being away from our rents.
Technology is magic. We have been keeping in touch with family through the internets. Moxie is starting to look at the screen and really listen to voices. It isn’t the same as actually hanging out in person–but it is way better than smoke signals–Moxie is really terrible at both sending and reading the smoke. It is actually a little embarrassing.
It’s hard to pay attention to what I am saying with the big spit up stain on my shoulder. |
Grandma and Grandpa catch up with little Moxie on things like drool, poop, and eye contact. |
Also: notice Ron slyly giving his beautiful wife bunny ears. You should see what happens when Strider and Ron get into the special effects options in GoogleChat. Really, you should see it.