Moxie Doodle is 3 months!  She was a little big squirmy during the photo session.  She was cracking up at the camera.  Big Moxie flirts–she makes eye contact, smiles, laughs, coos, tries to mimic sounds and gestures we are making.  She is a really fun little baby.

Also: who have thought Strider and I could keep a baby alive this long?!

Yesterday, among other things, Strider cleaned out his dresser and closet.  Moxie wanted to help but fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the chore was finished (she’s  a smart one).  Once she’s asleep Moxie is a really deep sleeper, we were folding clothes, discussing clothes, and moving things around–she slept the whole time right in the middle of the action.  Can you find the baby in all the mess?

Moxie is becoming a talker.  More an “ooher” I guess.  She makes sounds in response to our voices or when she is trying to get our attention.  She also makes sounds at the toys on her play mat and her butterfly mobile.  Come to think of it, she makes it all the time.  It is all rather indiscreet.

Moxie has a pet giraffe.   Aunt Sam bought Moxie the giraffe before she was even born.  Given the Post-9/11 ban on exotic animals flying commercial, we haven’t been able to get Moxie and Twiga together.  She hasn’t ever met Twiga but their relationship has already started.  We’ve had some Twiga sightings.

This is a really fun cool thing Sam, Bibi, and Babu are setting up for Moxie.  We thought we would share the first few photos with you.  We will keep everyone updated on Twiga’s adventure.

We have decided to start sharing the joy of Twiga with all of your.  This became especially timely when Twiga made an appearance in Bethesda of all places!

Not the most flattering shot.

There’s a saying, “You have a bat in the cave.” It means, “There’s a booger sticking out of your nose.”  You know sometimes you have a dry one that moves when you breath.  You can’t feel it and you just keep talking while that little thing steals all the attention away from what you are saying.  Luckily we have friends who tell us when there are bats in our caves.  In Moxie’s life Strider and I are those friends.  She has had some snot lately, perhaps she caught something from one of the other daycare rug rats–who knows.  But we have a variety of tools to remove mucus from our daughter’s nostrils.  We have the squeeze/sucker ball from the hospital, we have another from a kit we got at a baby shower, we have yet another sucker that came with the saline drops we got for her nose when we were flying to Florida. We also have a snot suck (a.k.a. The Nose Frida) which I personally found absolutely disgusting and now can’t live without.  However, with all the power of kleenex, face wipes, three squeeze/sucker balls and the Nose Frida–I can’t for the life of me pry this bat from Moxie’s cave.  It is just stuck there laughing at me.

She is making the sweetest faces and hand gestures and sounds tonight–but all I can focus on is this damn booger.  Poor girl has such a flake for a mom.  Poor girl’s mom also took a picture to share.

Moxie’s nursery is super freezing. As we work on transitioning her to her own room we have been working on making it a more tolerable temperature. We bought an infrared heater with lots if safety features, we are going to buy curtains next week, and tonight I (sort of) made a draft snake for the frosty window. I say (sort of) because I followed a pattern (mostly) and ended up with a snake that is far too skinny to actually do anything. It’s pretty wussy. I made another one for our bathroom door (another super drafty spot). We bought a 50 lbs bag of sand for $5 so I’ve got plenty left over to try again.