Moxie and I spent a few hours on Saturday with some fellow moms and babes.  Our host’s husband made us waffles and fresh whipped cream.  Everyone brought stuff to share.  We brought a pastry from the Grumpy Bakery at 4 Corners.  It isn’t actually called “Grumpy Bakery” but the old ladies running the show are almost never friendly and almost always grumpy.  They do, however, make some seriously delicious stuff.  Strider loves their apple fritters if anyone comes to visit.

Anyway, Moxie and I had a great time hanging out.  Moxie, being one of the youngest, hasn’t caught up with her friends on rolling over.  But she still destroys all of them with her hair.  The mom who hosted took pictures of the brunch and here are a few:

This afternoon I left my windowless office to discover the weather jumped from the 20s to 70! When I got home Strider and I put the leashes on the dogs and Moxie in her stroller. But wait! We not only put her in the stroller but we did it like a big girl. That’s right, Moxie now rides like a boss. She faces out, without the car seat, and did great. She enjoyed the walk and too in the sights. Towards the end she got really comfortable and starting talking to all the neat stuff she was seeing. It was a great day. I love our little family.

We wrote to all our congress people requesting tickets and didn’t hear back from a single one of them.  Obama sent us a commemorative set of tickets. No one came through. But then one of the mamas in my mother’s group sent an email around to see if anyone wanted to go.  I wrote her back right away.  You see, she and I knew each other pretty well–a couple of months ago I brought her 200 oz of breast milk. Her supply was low and she needed some extra while got things going on her end.

We met up with our friend Ernie at the Green Ticket gate and headed in.  People were really friendly and helpful generally but were extra super special nice when they saw we had a baby.  It was great.  Moxie slept through most of it but it was really cool all the same.

Here’s some pictures:

When Strider and I moved out east we were lucky enough to rent Jerry Mark’s house.  It is a really cool place with bad ass features like toilet paper holders that are also radios, cool kitchen linoleum, cool modern furniture, beautiful hardwood floors, and a sink in the bathroom perfect for baby baths.  Moxie usually takes her bath in the bathtub inside a baby bath.  We decided to try bathing her in the ultra hip sink.  She is starting to play with her toes and toys while getting a bath.  She really likes to kick her feet out randomly while bathing–which really makes the whole thing much more exciting for mom.

Hey Suckas!  Can you guys believe you are about to read your 100th post about a stinky baby named Moxie Eleanor Dorsey-Lee?  Well you are.  Yep. You are doing it right now.

In honor of your obsession with our kid we are going to give you not one but two, yep TWO videos of this little one doing her new favorite thing: talking.

Seriously, you guys are suckers.  But we love you and are so thankful we get to share our Moxie adventures with you.

Poor Moxie.  Just when she thinks it is safe we take her to the doctor again and give her more shots.  Sweet baby girl had an oral vaccine and 2 shots in each thigh.  Strider was the brave parent and held her and talked to her while the torture was happening.  I just fluttered around the outside trying not to lose my composure.  Moxie did better at this appointment than her last–though–and didn’t even cry for the first one.  She is above the 97th percentile in height and in the 95th for weight.  As her tiny Tamil doctor explained: “Moxie is big and beautiful.”

It is Monday and we are spending an evening hanging out after being separated all day.  Moxie and Strider decided to have some super fun play time and here’s how it went:

And then, after dancing and playing guitar they wrapped up the night with some air drumming.  (please ignore that this video is sideways.  If anyone can tell me how to fix it–I’ll do it.)

It is a typical Sunday evening here at the Dorsey-Lee house.  Strider is installing baby gates, I am figuring out food for the week, and Moxie is working on her motor skills.  Of course, Moxie is far more interesting than our chores so we took a break to take pictures and enjoy watching her learn new skills. 

You’ll see here in this movie clip that she is really trying to grab them.  You can see the gears working in her tiny baby brain.  Oh, we are so proud.