Last night we had dinner with Jacque, Doug, Hannah, Uncle Tony, Bibi, and Babu. It was great. Moxie was a little off her game and only mostly took in the evening from her mama’s lap. She did get some good time with folks and was really into a carrot.

The grown ups got to talk about Hannah’s good news: she has a bad ass fellowship at NIH and we solved all the problems of the US government. The food was fabulous and the company was wonderful.
AND right now I’m blogging this from bed because the grandparents are on Moxie duty 🙂

Mo-El and AM discuss the fine art of twiga wrestling
Our wonderful host and her gorgeous offspring.
Babu is unsure.

And, as a delightful treat: here’s a video of Moxie rocking the carrot.  The Mark-Tuckers suggested the carrot as a good option for relieving teething pain.  They are brilliant.  It also works as a sword or a lightsaber.  Watch out pirates and jedi.  

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