Well, we went and visited the horses again at Wheaton Regional Park. 

Keen continues to have no fear and only love. Moxie has all the love and slightly more fear. 
This sweet horse has a little nerve damage and so her tongue hangs out. 
Moxie got to ride Cindy again. This time the young woman who lead her around talked to her the whole time. This made it extra awesome. 

They didn’t fix the stirrups though–but Mox didn’t mind. 

On Saturday we had a wonderful Seder with our dear friends the Wilsons and the Hartmans. It was absolutely spectacular. Food, wine, asking the four questions, all kinds of things. The kids sat at a kids table and I learned the hard way a tablecloth, though cute, probably didn’t make sense for folk keen’s age. For those keeping count that was 6 adults, 3 three year olds and 3 one year olds. 

This Sunday our super friends the Hartman’s invited us over for a BBQ. They are the kind of folks who say “don’t bring anything.” And mean it. Anyway the girls and I went over and Mox and Z played “ninja swords” and Keen and J played baby stuff. There were bubbles and spritzers and hot dogs. What a perfect afternoon! 

Well, this week we wrapped up our time with a wonderful family in our nanny share. Our original family, and the family that is back with us as of today, took some time off to have a sweet new baby. The little one who joined us for these months is named Coraline. She’s a sweet baby that started out a tiny peanut and has grown into an interactive little wiggle worm. Moxie and Keen have grown incredibly find of her. Moxie has taken to naming her baby dolls Baby Coraline. All of them.