This Thing Here

What you’re looking at

The Dorsey-Lees are a collection of humans. They have no goal.

This is just another family blog, probably not that interesting unless you know who we are already, and maybe not that interesting even then.  But if you ended up here through other means and are inexplicably staying, we are the McGregor-Dorsey-Lee Family, currently consisting of four members: Jessica Chantelle Lee, Zachary Strider McGregor-Dorsey, Moxie Eleanor Dorsey-Lee, and Keen Zora Dorsey-Lee.  The first two listed are married, while the last two are the impetus for this blog’s existence. There is also a cat.

The Dorsey-Lee Family on top of the Kennedy Center with the Washington Monument in the background.
On the morning of first day of the end of the world, the Dorsey-Lees cuddle to the roar of an ICBM taking flight.
A gray and white house, with a little free library out front.
We put books in front of our house to attract interesting people. Or literate people. Or just people. We are so lonely.

A history of the Dorsey-Lees

Somewhat Chronological

Here are the accomplishments of this family thus far:

  1. Bought two houses
  2. Produced two kids
  3. Made two webpages (this one and this one)

For Those Who Aren’t Family or Current Friends

keep lurking in your lurkim

We aren’t one of those shifty couples that only put pictures of their kid, leaving your aching desire to know if you went to middle school with one of use unfulfilled.  The parents are actually in the pictures, often in focus.  But we have aged so marvelously, we may not recognizable to those who knew us in the Geek Years, so look right.

Allow us to provide some additional help in this regard:

  • Yes, Jess is that tall girl you met at that conference who knows Tanzanian Sign Language.
  • Yes, Strider also goes by Zach.
  • No, Jess does not have a lisp, a cowlick, or a surprisingly cute extra digit.
  • No, Strider didn’t give you a ride from Grand Junction to Salt Lake.
  • Yes, Moxie’s initials are so metal.
  • And here’s a live video of Keen


Good luck in all you do.

Albert Einstein