We had a great Halloween. Moxie wore one costume to her daycare party (including a photo shoot and parade around the block) and then another to trick or treat with her friends Ari and Noa. She quickly learned from the big kids to climb up to the front door and to grab candy from the bowls of hosts. Her favorites were a lead (of course), a glow bracelet, and a bag of pretzels. Aunt Karen joined us for a walk around the neighborhood and helped celebrate the dark holiday. Oh! And we saw six week old ducks. Turns out those guys are HUGE!!
We have recently discovered (thanks to Grandma and Grandpa) the awesomeness of mall play places. Recently we met up with some baby friends to hang out during a rainy afternoon. I am trying not to be “that mom” that freaks out about big kids running around and knocking over babies. I haven’t been that mom yet–but never say never.
We had Aunt Mary I come for a lovely visit. We spent our Saturday on the National Mall (before it closed) for the National Book Festival. Moxie was mostly interested in the grass. Aunt Mary I found her new favorite band and we all had a great time. Oh: and Moxie hated all the people dressed up as characters. Hated them.
Whoa. Consignment sales are amazing. Especially when you go to one with a ninja like my friend Mary-Gray. She is Ceci’s mom (Moxie’s baby friend). We went to the Moms of Multiples sale. AMAZING.
We went to the Mini Maker Fair in Silver Spring a couple weeks ago. We saw a bunch of cool stuff including 3D printers (mind: blown). We also saw our friends Betsy, Bob, and Faye. Moxie and Faye are super best friends (see earlier post). We had lunch all together. Highlights include Moxie feeding Faye some bread, Faye chewing a bit, taking it out of her mouth and feeding it back to Moxie, and Moxie returning the favor. They stole each other’s sippy cups and shared a delicious Mum Mum for dessert. So. Cute.
We got to rock Gymboree and delicious Nando’s Peri Peri chicken with our dear friends Owen, Becky and Brian. We are going to miss them so much. Note: the little girl trying to move in on Owen. Punk.
Moxie and Merrill were supposed to wear matching dresses this summer for an event. Well, it didn’t happen but Merrill and her family were together/amazing enough to send Mox her dress anyway. We don’t have many fancy occasions these days so playing with leaves got real fancy. Thank you so much to the Bowman’s for sending the dress.