Every once in a while, and likely more often as the weather gets hotter, the kiddos get to go to sweet frog. It’s pretty magical.
Well, this week we wrapped up our time with a wonderful family in our nanny share. Our original family, and the family that is back with us as of today, took some time off to have a sweet new baby. The little one who joined us for these months is named Coraline. She’s a sweet baby that started out a tiny peanut and has grown into an interactive little wiggle worm. Moxie and Keen have grown incredibly find of her. Moxie has taken to naming her baby dolls Baby Coraline. All of them.
As many of you know: Moxie has a serious obsession with ballet. She took a class (cutest thing ever) and was very serious about her dancing. This year we got tickets to Maryland Youth Ballet’s Mini-Nutcracker performance. It is the highlights of the longer ballet complete with Mouse King, sugar plum fairies, and, yep, Nutcrackers. Mox took her class with her bestie Riley and we got to sit with them at the show AND go to dinner together. At the end Moxie and Riley got a pizza with nutella and strawberries on it. WIN.
As Keen gets older she both becomes more fun AND a bigger threat to Moxie’s happy existence. Now that Keen can crawl, climb, and sometimes walk (a little) she has become more of a playmate AND more competition for resources. So far they play well together most of the time and we only catch Moxie trying to choke Keen occasionally.
This year we got a REAL tree. We also decorated it, hung ornaments in the yard, put up a wreath, and hung stockings. It was legit.
This year for Christmas we convinced Grandma that a homemade thing was the same awesomeness as a store bought gift. We made stepping stones for her garden. Jess looked up the directions, Ron bought the supplies, and Strider punched in the letters. Keen and Mox provided the footprints and gem placement and Carmen got to wash concrete off kid feet.
They turned out well…hopefully.
We will do this annually so our family can see how giant our kids’ feet are and remind them to buy us shoes. We think next year we might have to get a bigger pie plate for Mighty Moxie Monster Feet.
We got to see the Buller family during our visit to Wichita. Holy cow those kids are cute. We got to hang out, eat lunch, hang out, and go to the park. It was a great day. Peter and Ben were super patient with Moxie and Moxie loved them so much. Keen thought they were the coolest.
We went home to Wichita for Christmas this year (other associated posts to follow) and one of our major activities was attending a WSU men’s basketball game. Keen and Mox participated in the citywide tradition of wearing yellow and black. They rocked it.
Also: Keen made it through less than a half but wore her protective head gear like a champ. Moxie got to have cotton candy and lemonade and made it through the whole game (almost).