well! We finally have some pictures to share! It was a great party. Lots of people (particularly the grandparents, the aunt, and the cousin were mega helpful) made this party happen. We think everyone had a good time…

Of course! The tucker birthday songs!

Moxie and Rita

She made out like a bandit!

Photo op with her buds

Three generations of robot

Grown ups chatted too

Who does she look like?

Vincent, Rita, and Mox

Betsy and Faye

Catching up with friends

Planning an escape

Cheese balling

Awkward blinking

Cold chillin’

White shirting

Kid catching

Fashionable arrival

Sister bots

Ollie’s crew

Robot making

Bibi and Babu


Taking out the trash

Enough said. 

For a week each summer Moxie’s daycare provider takes a much needed vacation.  This year Moxie’s Grandparents were kind enough to drive out from Wichita and take care of her while we went to work.  It was so helpful for us to not have to take off work AND it was really fun for Mox to chill with the GPs.  They took walks, played with bubbles, chased the dogs, and went to the mall.  They took Moxie to her first indoor playground.  As Moxie becomes more mobile these activites are more fun.  Moxie is a very outgoing young lady.  She chatted up the other parents and made friends with the kids.  She also wrestled a lady bug.

(This post is from June but I forgot to post it)

Moxie’s boyfriend Owen (see earlier posts) had his first birthday recently and we got to go.  He’s the first of Moxie’s baby friends who are turning one.  It was sock monkey themed and she got to eat monkey meat (chicken nuggets), monkey poop (cheetos), monkey tails (fruit kabobs), and mom and dad ate monkey bread (monkey bread).

Oh FOM (friends of mox)! We are so lame and have been complete failures of keeping you supplied with news and updates on our sweet girl. Guess what! She’s started driving. Ah how time flies! Big thanks to Jacque and Doug for giving Moxie this car (just after she was born actually) and to Strider for getting it all cleaned up. Grandma and I took Moxie out and she dragged Main for a while showing off to all the boys. Moxie’s neighbor friend Ollie will be home from te beach soon and the two of them can go for sidewalk drives. They will wear seat belts. Don’t worry.