Moxie is 7 months!  She sits up really well, dances a little, claps, waves, and is working on her first tooth.  This month we have started music class (which she loves) and eating more fun foods (including more solid-ish foods like sweet potato, broccoli, and baby puffs). She’s becoming quite a little kid and her personality is starting to show.  She likes attention, flirts with strangers, and loves the dogs.

This is from a couple weeks ago: Moxie has been having some grumpy times.  She isn’t grumpy often and it is usually right before bed.  She is really a very happy baby but every once in a while she flexes her grump muscles. This time the grump came out when I tried to take her octopus away.  Serious mistake.  Sweet girl nursed and fell asleep clutching her bright orange friend.  She takes her love of sea creatures quite seriously.

Back in May last year a bunch of wonderful friends decorated onsies for Mox. Yesterday she sported one made by her darling Aunt Roxann. I think the major lesson Rox is teaching Mox is: let your butt do the talking.