Many of you have commented on the craziness that is Moxie’s mop.  Well, we thought we would treat you all to an especially stand up performance by those sweet brown locks.

Last night was bath night.  She really needed it.  She had full on cheese neck, dirty finger nails, troll  toe nails and her hair was out of control.  As we were drying her off I thought it would be funny to comb her hair into a little mohawk.  Here’s how that looked:

She’s very serious about her look. Her parents aren’t.

When she went to bed she played with her hair while nursing, as she always does, and went to bed.  She didn’t sleep super well (we are thinking a growth spurt/teething combo) but, what the photo below indicates, she definitely didn’t touch any electrical outlets.

This isn’t static. It’s an anti-gravity field around her dome.

Anyway, her hair has been the topic of many a conversation and we would like to keep it that way.  Anything to divert attention to her monster feet.

Homegirl has hit two major milestones.  Did she roll over? No. Did she sit up all by herself? No. Did she eat solid food? Nope. BUT she did double her body weight–born 8 lbs and weighed in this morning at a hefty 16 lbs!  Also, she is 4 months old!  Technically she is 17 weeks but we are just going by the date.  For those of you uncomfortable with that kind of inaccuracy–suck it.

Here’s some pictures!  Hardcore Moxie followers will notice that we chose different pictures for months 0-3–we want to keep our fans happy.

Again, clear bassinets–brilliant.
She’s trying to wink. 

You’ll notice these pants make several appearances.
Told you so.

Big 4 Months!
Her hair couldn’t be contained. 

We spent New Year’s Day with Hannah and Ruby at the aquarium.  We saw a puffin feeding, fish feeding, a skink, and lots of other awesomeness.  We even saw a dolphin show–though no one got wet (despite Ruby and Strider sitting in the “splash zone”).   Ruby and Hannah were both amazing.  Ruby was a super trooper and changed all three of Moxie’s diapers, carried her around and showed her the fish and took being puked on like a champ.  Hannah was super fun and cheerful even though she got a max of 3 hours sleep the night before.  Oh–also–if you ever need a good friend–Hannah’s it.  Ask all those cats who got home safe on New Year’s Eve.

These two don’t like each other at all.

Ruby got initiated into the club with a huge load of Moxie spit up.

Us versus Sharks


She grabbed all the essentials: gummy snake, slinky, and a shocked expression

Bring on the fish!

Taking in the sights.

Coral is so dumb. We are so glad it is dying all over the world.

Puffin feeding.  Try to find Ruby.

Yay for fish!


Reading the fun facts. 

Moxie said what?!

documenting the adventure

Moxie is good at communicating with dolphins.

Jelly Fish!

French fry break waiting for the dolphin show.  

Everyone knows that Strider and I moved away from our parents, friends, and home just a few months after I found out I was pregnant.  Brilliant right?  Right. However, we had the good fortune of moving to a town full of people who love us.  We have family AND friends.  We are so lucky that those friends treat us like family.  Jacque and Doug have been excited about Moxie, very giving of their time and attention, and have just been wonderful.  We appreciate them so much.  

On the topic of Jacque and Doug being good to us… Moxie has finally moved to her own room, into her crib and out of her bassinet.  Well, I shouldn’t say “her” bassinet.  The bassinet that Moxie spent her first 14 weeks of life in is a family bassinet lent to us by Jacque and Doug.  The bassinet has a long history and we are happy to have been a part of it.  I can’t believe she’s outgrown it.  I will miss all her weird sleeping sounds but I admit–I am sleeping much better these days.
Date: September 17
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz

Date: November 25
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz

Date: December 31
Weight: 15 lbs 11.5 oz

Merry Christmas everyone!

 We had a fabulous Christmas with family and friends.  The Shaffers hosted everyone down in Durham North Carolina.

We had lots of family all stuffed into the house and Moxie enjoyed all the attention.  She got to meet many of the family for the first time including Uncle Owen, Aunt Mary, Megan, Ashely, and Jack.

She also got to see some folks she hadn’t seen in a long time including Hannah–who left town after meeting one day old Moxie and has just come back.  It was fabulous.

Sadly, we spent Moxie’s first Christmas away from her grandpa and grandma but we got to have a video chat with them on Christmas Day and they gave Moxie the coolest gift ever:

On Christmas morning we had a lazy start with lots of hanging around in PJs.  Luckily Moxie got in contact with her cousins and they coordinated outfits.  The rest of us looked like total dorks.  We all left our footie pajamas at home.

Stockings were a serious event.  First they were all hung (by pencil) on the giant beautiful hearth at Château Shaffer. Please note the stocking at the top of the group is Moxie’s.  Her father decided to hang it there on Christmas Eve.  While the fire was burning and everyone else was in the kitchen–he snuck a stuffed ottoman onto the brick and climbed up.  Totally safe and totally worth it.  

Mary, Catie and Bibi worked all year to collect the goodies and then all night to stuff the stockings.  We all made out like bandits.  

Strider tried to wear all of his gifts.  It was his way of showing his appreciation.  You can’t see it but he is actually wearing his stocking on his foot.  Classy. 

A while later we had Christmas dinner.  Holy fancy pants.  Everyone chipped in with cooking (directed by Chef Shaffer) or setting up the living room.  It turned out to be a really lovely way to spend an evening. 

Megan and Jack brought poppers for everyone to pull.  Each one had a crown, some jokes, and, if you were lucky, a toy.  Uncle Tony got a whistle.

We also took some nice group photos of various kinds.  Here’s one our immediate family.

Here’s one of the girl cousins.  It was taken by a bear.

We had a wonderful time and can’t wait for next year. When we told Moxie we wouldn’t be doing this again for another twelve months this is how she reacted: 

In honor of what I’ve heard about the Hobbit, this post has a long and unnecessary preamble.  Those with valuable time may wish to skip to the contest itself, the beginning of which is obvious even though it is incorrectly called a game.  (It’s clearly a contest.)

Moxie is soon moving to her own room.

How does this affect me, you say?

That answer is currently unknown to science, so, officially, we have no comment.  Unofficially, we expect you will be affected by the move, and that, in effect, that effect will be large relative to the effect on you of other things that have affected you.

Oh my, you say, then perhaps I should help!

Yes, otherwise you would risk being a feckless FoM, effectively.

FoM, you say?

Friend, Family or Financier of Moxie.   You pick.  (You may pick up to three, but must pick at least one.  The last one.  Pick the last one.)

Oh, you say.
This all a little Moxie-centric, you say, don’t you think?

You’re the one reading the blog that openly talks about her fecal fecundity.

You say, fair.

Yes.  And listen, she’s moving to the other room soon.  So let’s continue.  Preparations really must be made.

Of course, of course!  What can I, you say, do?  Can I, you say, set her room up?

Well, Bob and Teresa have already done most of the heavy lifting and fancy interior design, so you can’t help there.  The room is as it will be.

Hmmm, you say, mmmm.   
Then perhaps I can get Moxie stuff to put in in her room to make it all feel more roomy?

Well, you’re always welcome to send Moxie stuff.  But a lot of people have already thought of that, so the room is decently roomy.  Perhaps try another command.

You say this: Well, poop.

Oh dear!  Such language from a supposedly winning adventurer!

Say what?!? 
 >go downstairs , you type.

It is pitch black.  You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

 >Light the candle , you humor me.

It is not clear what you want to burn the candle with.

Ahhhh, everyone in the world says!

The match is not burning; you cannot light things with the match.

Just kidding.  The room is lit and to the east you see a great idea for how you can help Moxie out with her room!

…, you don’t say.

The east.  There’s the idea.  Go over there.  East.

<rude gesture>, you sign.

All right, all right.  Let me do if for you:

 >Go east 

You come upon an old, battered sign that you can just barely make out.  It reads:

The Name Moxie’s Dragons Dragon Naming Game!

Ok, everyone, Moxie has dragons, and they look like this:

Droles de dragons
The similarities between the purple dragon in the middle and the blue dragon next to it are a great example of convergent evolution.  While both have bulbous bodies, rectusian tails, and ovid ears, their closest common ancestor is the primordial wing, which is the earliest undisputed organism in the dragon taxonomy.

(If you’re lucky, you can click on the picture to make it bigger.  If you’re not lucky, I’m so, so sorry.)

I won’t go into much of the backstory on these dragons because there’s a lot of pain–the real, gut-wrenching pain of love, loss and love lost–and going through it all again just isn’t fair to them.  Suffice to say, they’re on the other side of all that and now Moxie has 10 dragon friends and one dragon wing friend, all of whom watch over her.  (It’s a mobile; what else would they do?)

(To be completely transparent, there’s an additional dragon friend not pictured here that already has a name and will be discussed at some other point in time.  This is not a page for dragon rivalry.)

So these dragons need names.  (Again, long story, but there’s some people out there that’d really like to know where these dragons are.  Some not so nice people.   We don’t want to take any chances, so they all agreed to assume new identities.)

As is apparent from the prequel, Moxie’s dad is much too dorky to come up with these names himself, so he’s asking for help.  He’s me, though, so let’s go back to the first person because I’m uncomfortable here in third.  Ok, I’m handing off the naming duties to you all, but I’m too egotistical to just let this be entirely open.  So I made some dorky rules for you to follow.  Call them Naming Conventions.

  1. The name must be a real word.
  2. The name must tell me something about the dragon.
  3. The name should be three or more syllables long.
  4. The name should not be a commonly used word.
  5. The name should sound cool.
  6. The namer must be ok with their name or names not being chosen.
  7. The namer may specify which dragon they are naming, but must also be ok with that name being assigned to a different dragon.

Read the conventions with “must” as immutable; read the conventions with “should” as guidelines that can be bent if need be.  The convention with “may” is entirely optional.

Ok, Convention 6 is there just in case I get too many names.  I’m the final arbiter and will judge the names based on the Naming Conventions.  And really, I just mean I’ll chose the ones I like best.  I won’t take into account who sent the names, so reread Convention 6, please.  Seriously.  I’ll wait.  Also, Convention 7 is pretty enjoyable, if you’ve got the time.

Here is an example from my childhood:  I grew up with a dragon named Serendipity.  She was a pink dragon that learned about being who she was.  This is a pretty good example.  Serendipity is a real word that sounds really cool, is long, and somewhat rare.

I don’t actually remember the plot that well, so I don’t know if Serendipity’s life was serendipitous, but I’m guessing it was, so Convention 2 was probably satisfied.  As for Convention 6, well, I didn’t contact the author for this post, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he won’t feel bad that I’m not choosing Serendipity for Moxie’s dragons.  She gets her own dragon names.

(I should mention that Serendipity is the inspiration for this.  I don’t remember a time that I didn’t have some idea of what serendipity meant because of those books.  So there’s a little bit of education motivation in all this.  I hope that doesn’t taint it too much.)

All right, I know you all have favorite words that would just be great for dragon names.  Leave comments.  Private message me.  Email me.  Letter write me.  Anything you want, just get me some names.

As you all know in the first trimester of my pregnancy Strider and I moved across the country–perfect timing.  Before we were only 1.5 hours from my parents and 8 from his.  We were close to our immediate family.  Well, living out here in DC things are different.  We appreciate the Mark Tuckers and our friends here on the East Coast but it is hard being away from our rents. 

Technology is magic.  We have been keeping in touch with family through the internets.  Moxie is starting to look at the screen and really listen to voices.  It isn’t the same as actually hanging out in person–but it is way better than smoke signals–Moxie is really terrible at both sending and reading the smoke.  It is actually a little embarrassing.

It’s hard to pay attention to what I am saying with the big spit up stain on my shoulder.
Grandma and Grandpa catch up with little Moxie on things like drool, poop, and eye contact.

Also: notice Ron slyly giving his beautiful wife bunny ears.  You should see what happens when Strider and Ron get into the special effects options in GoogleChat.  Really, you should see it.

This last week marks the third visit we have had from Bibi.  She wins the award for most frequent traveler.  She also wins the award for loudest late night returns from the bars (but I promised I wouldn’t talk about that in the blog).  Bibi came to help with the transition from maternity leave back to full time employment.  It wasn’t an easy week but having an extra set of hands was invaluable.  We also chose that week (just two before Christmas) to begin making our hand made Christmas gifts.  The distribution set is small (don’t get your hopes up) but Bibi jumped right in and helped.  She’s pretty fab.  Every morning she took Moxie after her morning feeding (somewhere between 3:30 and 6:30 am), dressed Mox, got her to Rita’s (usually via stroller), ran errands for us (grocery shopping, bear wrestling), and walked to go get Mox and bring her home.  It was great and Moxie really enjoyed the walks.  

Bibi made this hat. Turns out Moxie has a Hinky ear AND a Frankenstein head.

This is Moxie’s “I’m so glad Bibi made it home from the bars.” face.

Braving the cold cold streets.

Pajama party!

Bibi babysat for both of our holiday parties.