To add to the last post, here’s the record of use of the Infant weight-finder:

The vertical axes are both weight, the left in pounds and the right in ounces.  The horizontal axis is in holidays.
The red data points are on the left axis and they are the weight of Moxie.  The green and blue data are two ways of calculating “weight gain per day” and are on the right axis.  Moxie gains about two ounces a day right now, so we expect her to weigh about 730 pounds for prom.
The other lines are trend lines with accompanying equations, purely an aesthetic consideration.
Additionally, if we label the left axis in constant dollars million, the right axis in gumption and horizontal axis in proper fractions, this graph is also a perscription to getting our country back on the right track.

Pulled pork secret ingredient

For the last few days Moxie has gotten to hang out with Kiki. She has been helping all of us stay sane and really well fed (ask her about her pulled pork recipe). We are sad she is leaving tomorrow. Next time hopefully Glenn and Kai can join us too!

Unfortunately, Jess let go of the stoller to take the picture.
We still can’t get the Pili fur out of the Britax wheels.