Bibi is the provider of all jammies in the Dorsey-Lee home. Literally all our children’s sleepwear is provided by her. She’s got good taste. Here are the sweet punk rockers in matching twiga jammies. Please ignore Strider’s foot in some of them. 

Keen is not impressed by Mox pretending to pick her nose. Bibi is just happy to be surviving her week in MD. 

I like the poke in the eye at the end. 

Anyone who has hung out with Mox knows this girl has a way with words. In her first year of preschool she got advanced ratings in verbal skills (less so in gross motor skills though). Even with all her Skillz she still has a couple weird things. 

“Mort” (more)
“Barefeeted” (barefoot)
“I just waked up” (I just woke up)
We think it is super cute. 

Today was Moxie’s last day of preschool. What a great year. She had an amazing teacher who loved her and taught her some super important skills. 
She got to do all the things she doesn’t get to do at home like play in the mid and the finger paint and the rice bin. She learned to pretend, to sweep, to “tap tap tap turn please.”

Over this year Moxie got a baby sister, potty trained, and continued to grow into a smart, kind, outgoing kiddo. We love all the creativity she has and the funky way she engages with the world around her. 

This was a great first year of school. 

On Saturday mornings we do two things: we go to music class and then we go to lunch with our friends.  It is a really great way to start the weekend.  Moxie and Riley are about the same age–and Coen and Keen are also just a few months apart.  We love Saturdays. This is honestly one of our favorite traditions right now. 
After class Ms. Sue gives out stickers.  Moxie picked the stickers AND placement for herself and her sister.

Moxie and Riley wait patiently while we jam the babies into their snowsuits. 

They help push the strollers to our eating destination.