Bibi went all out and got us some awesome crafts for our week in Colo. Like all out. Beads, play-doh, stencils, markers, paint, the works. Mox did a fair job of roping others into her projects. We appreciate everyone’s patience.
Who among us has not wanted to lose their whole shit at the end of a long travel day? Moxie wanted to and she did it. She went big. She pitched a 30+ minute freak out complete with tears, screams and a fair amount of snot. Basically it started with the pilot having the nerve to land 20 minutes into the nap. This was followed by the grave injustice of having to disembark (she tried to stop the process by holding onto seats as we passed them–to the great amusement of the a-holes behind me trying to run off the plane). THEN we had to ride a train–which is usually awesome but this time was complete torture. Finally we had to wait for bags. God. The bags. What snapped our sweet little sociopath out of her sweats? The freaky looking bus driver who asked, “what’s wrong with you?” Mox straightened up and said “nothing. I love buses.” And we were good until bedtime. Thank you weird looking shuttle driver. Thank you.
Well, it happened. It finally happened. Moxie puked her brains out. A lot. We’d made it 2.5 years without a stomach bug in our little Rocket but our number got drawn and it has hit us like a ton of bricks. Best news? Keen caught it too! An 8 week old baby with dry heaves is pretty heartbreaking. We are comforted by the fact that neither of them will remember this.
This morning Keen needed some diaper free time and Moxie helped entertain her by singing. After the song Moxie said, “I’m a good helping big sister.” It was absolutely heart melting. I wonder how long she will like helping…