well! We finally have some pictures to share! It was a great party. Lots of people (particularly the grandparents, the aunt, and the cousin were mega helpful) made this party happen. We think everyone had a good time…

Of course! The tucker birthday songs!

Moxie and Rita

She made out like a bandit!

Photo op with her buds

Three generations of robot

Grown ups chatted too

Who does she look like?

Vincent, Rita, and Mox

Betsy and Faye

Catching up with friends

Planning an escape

Cheese balling

Awkward blinking

Cold chillin’

White shirting

Kid catching

Fashionable arrival

Sister bots

Ollie’s crew

Robot making

Bibi and Babu


Taking out the trash

Enough said. 

Takoma Mama 9 is the mother’s group I joined back in November. I just can’t say enough wonderful things about these women and their babies. Well, today we had the pleasure of celebrating the ~1st birthdays of all the babies. It was really fun. Strider and I made little onesies with fabric ties on them as party favors and helped decorate the train cars for all the babies. Super duper cute pants.

I’m going to post more photos soon but just wanted to write real quick and say we had a great day. 

Moxie Doodle is 3 months!  She was a little big squirmy during the photo session.  She was cracking up at the camera.  Big Moxie flirts–she makes eye contact, smiles, laughs, coos, tries to mimic sounds and gestures we are making.  She is a really fun little baby.

Also: who have thought Strider and I could keep a baby alive this long?!

Happy One Month Birthday Moxie! Way to survive this long! We are so proud.  We are less proud of how long it took us to post this.  She is actually 5 weeks and 1 day old but, honestly, who is counting.  Once she makes it to 10 months we are going to stop counting completely.  For real.