This year for Christmas we convinced Grandma that a homemade thing was the same awesomeness as a store bought gift.  We made stepping stones for her garden.  Jess looked up the directions, Ron bought the supplies, and Strider punched in the letters.  Keen and Mox provided the footprints and gem placement and Carmen got to wash concrete off kid feet.

They turned out well…hopefully.

We will do this annually so our family can see how giant our kids’ feet are and remind them to buy us shoes.  We think next year we might have to get a bigger pie plate for Mighty Moxie Monster Feet.

Note both Keen’s dirty little foot and that she curled her toes upon impact.  No where anywhere on pinterest did they warn me of this. 

Keen unsure of what’s about to happen.  Moxie, having survived, looks on with joy in her eyes.

As a compromise for not putting the gems in the toes she put them on the feet.

 Moxie process
Making sure Gramps does it right.

Gem and letter placement is serious business. 

Bibi went all out and got us some awesome crafts for our week in Colo. Like all out. Beads, play-doh, stencils, markers, paint, the works. Mox did a fair job of roping others into her projects. We appreciate everyone’s patience. 

First we tried play-doh made from peeps. It was a good 6.4 minutes of fun. As legit play-doh it was a fail. As a delicious snack it was only a partial fail. 
Then we made necklaces. This was less of a fail and more of a time sink. We also got to wear our art around. That’s a bonus. 
Good times had by all. Or one. Good times had by one. The rest of us are just here as support staff. 

Today we are cleaning out cabinets and organizing stuff in the kitchen. All chores that are not toddler friendly. Well, we tried our first stab at sensory bins. 

We made it from left over pasta I was going to throw away and a few wine corks (don’t judge) and plastic animals. 

I saved an egg carton a few months ago and that’s where she organized what she found. Oh: and the towel. That was my way of trying to contain the crazy. I think it mostly worked. 

She was entertained long enough to get a few shelves reorganized so that’s a win. I saved all the noodles in a ziplock. Maybe we will do this again sometime. 
Back to cleaning. Blech.