Tag: food
We just stepped up our game in the baby food arena. We bought an Infantino Squeeze Station. You can google it to see how it is really supposed to work but here’s how we used it. The pouches we made came in two varieties–pea, zucchini, sweet potato and spinach, apple, pumpkin. Mox was a fan of both.
These little pouches are awesome. We have made a couple batches now and Moxie is learning to eat directly from spout. Strider is way better at feeding than I am but we might be onto something.
Today while Bibi and I were making baby food (sweet potatoes and chicken) Moxie spent her time dragging Main (the straight shot between our dining room table and the windows in the living room). She did this while chewing on a carrot puree ice cube jammed inside a mesh bag. She got it everywhere and also had a super good time.
She had a great time and got carrot everywhere. |
Bibi is a speed cleaner. Moxie barely even noticed she was being de-carrotted. |
Moxie is killin’ it with the whole eating thing. So far she has had rice cereal, sweet potato, and peas. She likes them all. She still prefers eating spoons over food but we figure it is a good start.
Here’s our process:
Following various recipes (super complex–blend food add breast milk) we us the blender Grandpa and Grandma got us and the baby food cube trays Bibi and Babu got us. We then freeze the food and pop out the cubes and keep frozen in ziplocks. When we feed her we just thaw a cube or two in the fridge, nuke for a 10 seconds and feed. She doesn’t like cold food. Honestly, who does?
We have made apple and pear as well. We introduce new foods on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Any suggestions on what we should introduce next?
This morning we gave Moxie her first “solid” food. She had brown rice cereal (1 part ground brown rice, 1 part breast milk, 2 parts water). She used a bowl and spoon the Buller family gave her. Moxie was more interested in the spoon than the food actually. Bibi helped cook it, Babu took video, Strider acted as the high chair, and Moxie was, as always, the main event. She ended up with a nose full of food but it seemed like the whole experience wasn’t a total failure. She didn’t really *eat* the food but she certainly moved it around in her mouth for a while. We consider it a win.
Pili wants in the action. |
Jess and Bibi prepare the food. |
Um, yum? |
The faces of Mox and food |
Dad is the best high chair. |