Moxie loves feeding the dogs. She first got to feed Montana while we were visiting grandma and grandpa and now she’s obsessed. Any time we give the dog treats she is right there to hand one to Gy and then tease Pili with the other one. Lately she’s been more interested in dog food. For the last couple nights she’s been filling the dogs’ bowls. She does it with a scoop, a few kibble at a time with about 50% on the floor. She then picks up the bowl and yells the dog’s name. Gy finds it amusing and Pili is absolutely terrified. Sounds about right. 

Pulled pork secret ingredient

For the last few days Moxie has gotten to hang out with Kiki. She has been helping all of us stay sane and really well fed (ask her about her pulled pork recipe). We are sad she is leaving tomorrow. Next time hopefully Glenn and Kai can join us too!

Unfortunately, Jess let go of the stoller to take the picture.
We still can’t get the Pili fur out of the Britax wheels.

Really?  It sure smells like meat.
Is this man
bothering you, Ma’am?

Gyges has elected himself as Head of Security for our home. He follows Moxie from room to room–even if it means a 2 am trip to the changing table. He sniffs and whines when she cries. It is all very sweet. Pili, on the other hand, remains distant and curious. She can’t decide if Moxie is a friend or an assassin sent by the cartel she escaped when entering the witness protection program.

Black and white, high contrast figures are best for infant visual stimulation.

Well, I went for an acupuncture appointment that is specifically geared towards induction.  I’ll let you know if it worked. I guess I can’t really tell you if it worked.  I don’t have a control case Jessica who didn’t have acupuncture to compare with treatment case Jessica.  Ok. Moving on.

The woman I met with suggested that, instead of feeling frustrated about the baby being late, think about all the fun things to look forward to with a new baby.  I am going to start a list. Please, chime in:

  • Dress her up in all the sweet clothes everyone has given us
  • Take pictures of her and make funny captions giving her a sense of humor before she can even see straight (this will mostly be Strider’s responsibility)
  • Begin weaning her off oxygen and onto helium–we want that cute baby sound to be permanent
  • Watch the responses from our dogs when we bring her home.  We feel pretty confident that Gyges won’t think anything is that weird and immediately accept her into the pack.  However, Pili will likely add the baby to her list of things she is completely petrified of.  That list includes: strangers, card board, the mail man, sneezing, and the stroller. 

Any other ideas?