Today, Rita did Moxie’s hair in a pretty cool way. I wanted to get a couple pictures of it for fun. So I decided to take Moxie outside. (Cool photography trick: take pictures outside where there is light.) 

However, Moxie had some conditions.

The first three were easily satisfied.  She needed a stick (to be obtained outside), a bottle of milk (of course), and absolutely no shoes.

The no shoes was definitely not negotiable, as she indicated by putting her finger to my mouth and saying “nooooooo.”  Not only was she not going to where shoes, I wasn’t even allowed to talk about it.  All said, though, this is was not an issue, though it was a little dicey when, later, we found this:
and this:

But that was all ok.  The real problem was her last demand.  This is best explained with a picture:
In fact, the hat requirement extended to the photographer too:

(The leaves are a whole other story.  One she has to tell, because I’m really not sure why she made us do that.)
Once, there was a dog.  The dog was very friendly, but wary of dinosaurs.  The triceratops really wanted to meet this dog, so she allowed herself to be turned into a little girl for a few minutes.  And that is how we caught a brief glimpse of her beautiful hair:
But not for long!  (These are taken not a minute after the last picture.)

For those curious about the hair, here’s a couple bad pictures, but they are the best I got showing the style:

After dinner, we went on another walk.  While the accoutroments varied in the specific, the spirit was the same.  A truck had just passed for the first picture.  She really likes trucks, especially the ones that wave at her.

Moxie has some serious tweedles.  She has serious who hairs.  Still don’t know what I am talking about?  She has bajillions of tiny thin mini hairs that grow on her forehead.  Here is a picture (of the whole fan–but focus on the tweedles) to show you the seriousness of what I am talking about.

Also: homegirl can rock a ponytail.

Moxie and I spent a few hours on Saturday with some fellow moms and babes.  Our host’s husband made us waffles and fresh whipped cream.  Everyone brought stuff to share.  We brought a pastry from the Grumpy Bakery at 4 Corners.  It isn’t actually called “Grumpy Bakery” but the old ladies running the show are almost never friendly and almost always grumpy.  They do, however, make some seriously delicious stuff.  Strider loves their apple fritters if anyone comes to visit.

Anyway, Moxie and I had a great time hanging out.  Moxie, being one of the youngest, hasn’t caught up with her friends on rolling over.  But she still destroys all of them with her hair.  The mom who hosted took pictures of the brunch and here are a few:

Many of you have commented on the craziness that is Moxie’s mop.  Well, we thought we would treat you all to an especially stand up performance by those sweet brown locks.

Last night was bath night.  She really needed it.  She had full on cheese neck, dirty finger nails, troll  toe nails and her hair was out of control.  As we were drying her off I thought it would be funny to comb her hair into a little mohawk.  Here’s how that looked:

She’s very serious about her look. Her parents aren’t.

When she went to bed she played with her hair while nursing, as she always does, and went to bed.  She didn’t sleep super well (we are thinking a growth spurt/teething combo) but, what the photo below indicates, she definitely didn’t touch any electrical outlets.

This isn’t static. It’s an anti-gravity field around her dome.

Anyway, her hair has been the topic of many a conversation and we would like to keep it that way.  Anything to divert attention to her monster feet.

Moxie and Jess went to a Takoma Mama’s baby brunch.  We are kind of late to the party–we only joined a couple weeks ago–but already Moxie is a huge fan of the other babies.  She’s the youngest–the babies are 3 1/2-6 months old–but she is killin’ it in the hair department.  She can’t roll over or pick things up but man oh man–best hair fo sho.  Seriously, it is actually a little embarrassing.

Moxie assesses the competition.

Mom would rather use her feet to parent.

Best hair in the house.

Circle of babies–every dingo’s dream.

It would be too easy if we both looked at the camera.