The Dorsey-Lee Family attempted making valentines this year.  We had two tries: one with finger paint and the other with markers.

The finger paint didn’t go as I planned (surprise!).  Moxie was less a fan of finger painting than I thought she would be but towards the end she stepped up and slapped some paint on paper. We used cookie cutters to make heart shapes too.  Then she took a break at the end and rested her head on my leg.

Our second effort was today with a box of hologram dinosaur valentines.  We gave Moxie markers and let her go to town.  In both tries we taped the thing she was painting to keep it still.  That seemed to be a win.
We are sending out a couple and giving some to our friends at daycare.  Really it was about seeing if we could do any kind of art.  Turns out we can.  So that’s fun!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!