Well, I think when you do something for six months it is about time to go pro.  Yep.  Strider and I have been parents for 6 months and this baby girl is doing great!  She’s 18 lbs 8.5 oz and over 27 inches long!  No real big changes from 5 months–she still sits, eats, and laughs.  We will let you know when she starts doing algebra.

Here are some pictures:

Moxie and I had a great baby brunch with our friends.  Moxie and her favorite friend Owen had a moment where first he tried to love her and then she poked him in the eye.  Moxie was really great.  She sat and laughed at her friends, watched me while I interacted with other babies, took a little nursing break, and then got right back into the action.  It is fun to see all the babies grow.  Some babies are crawling or scooting, others are still learning to roll over, and some, like Moxie, are just learning the magic of sitting up.  Everyone shared toys–if there was a cold in the house they all caught it.

These brunches are so great.  I learn tricks from the other moms, commiserate about various baby related challenges, and watch really cute babies do their thang.

Moxie pats her friend on the back.

Hopefully this isn’t what I always look like when I am listening.

Rolly Pollies
The making of a mohawk.
One of the few children as big as Monster Mox
Moxie and I practice looking down.

If Mox could crawl she would have stollen his drum
View from above
Mox let’s me know I should slow down on the juice.
Watch out boys!

Moxie is killin’ it with the whole eating thing. So far she has had rice cereal, sweet potato, and peas. She likes them all. She still prefers eating spoons over food but we figure it is a good start.

Here’s our process:

Following various recipes (super complex–blend food add breast milk) we us the blender Grandpa and Grandma got us and the baby food cube trays Bibi and Babu got us. We then freeze the food and pop out the cubes and keep frozen in ziplocks. When we feed her we just thaw a cube or two in the fridge, nuke for a 10 seconds and feed. She doesn’t like cold food. Honestly, who does?

We have made apple and pear as well. We introduce new foods on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Any suggestions on what we should introduce next?

This morning we gave Moxie her first “solid” food.  She had brown rice cereal (1 part ground brown rice, 1 part breast milk, 2 parts water).  She used a bowl and spoon the Buller family gave her.  Moxie was more interested in the spoon than the food actually.  Bibi helped cook it, Babu took video, Strider acted as the high chair, and Moxie was, as always, the main event.  She ended up with a nose full of food but it seemed like the whole experience wasn’t a total failure.  She didn’t really *eat* the food but she certainly moved it around in her mouth for a while.  We consider it a win.

Here are some photos and a video at the end.  Warning: video is 5 minutes.
Pili wants in the action. 

Jess and Bibi prepare the food.

Um, yum?

The faces of Mox and food

Dad is the best high chair.

Last night we had dinner with Jacque, Doug, Hannah, Uncle Tony, Bibi, and Babu. It was great. Moxie was a little off her game and only mostly took in the evening from her mama’s lap. She did get some good time with folks and was really into a carrot.

The grown ups got to talk about Hannah’s good news: she has a bad ass fellowship at NIH and we solved all the problems of the US government. The food was fabulous and the company was wonderful.
AND right now I’m blogging this from bed because the grandparents are on Moxie duty 🙂

Mo-El and AM discuss the fine art of twiga wrestling
Our wonderful host and her gorgeous offspring.
Babu is unsure.

And, as a delightful treat: here’s a video of Moxie rocking the carrot.  The Mark-Tuckers suggested the carrot as a good option for relieving teething pain.  They are brilliant.  It also works as a sword or a lightsaber.  Watch out pirates and jedi.  

Alright folks.  It is time for another quick recap on the vida loca that is Moxie Eleanor.  This month Moxie has rolled over (though she doesn’t really like to), found her feet and likes to suck on them, babbles quite a bit, and can sit up for like 10 seconds on her own.  This is also the first time she has noticed the big piece of paper next to her during the photo shoot.  Big doins.

Pili has mixed feelings about Moxie.  At first she was curious but didn’t get close because Sherif Gyges wouldn’t let her.  After a while Gyges learned to share baby duty with Pili so now she sneaks sniffs and even sits or lays near Moxie when she is playing.  You can look back through the posts and find Pili in several of them.

As for Moxie, the older she gets the more she finds the dogs interesting.  She likes to watch them run around wrestling.  She startles (but not in a bad way) when they bark.  Now she likes to reach out and touch them.  Usually she ends up really grabbing at their skin with her crazy hand strength.  They are very patient with her though.  Good thing. This kid is going to be around for a while.

Here are some pictures from a recent hang out session between Mox and Pili.

Moxie is surrounded by various giraffe friends.  One has to have a certain set of skills to care for a giraffe–let alone a herd of them.  Here’s how Moxie gets them to go to sleep.  She plays with them and hugs them and shows them that she cares.  The best part is when she sings to them.  (Notice Pili in the background hoping to copy some of Mox’s trade-craft.)