Hey Suckas!  Can you guys believe you are about to read your 100th post about a stinky baby named Moxie Eleanor Dorsey-Lee?  Well you are.  Yep. You are doing it right now.

In honor of your obsession with our kid we are going to give you not one but two, yep TWO videos of this little one doing her new favorite thing: talking.

Seriously, you guys are suckers.  But we love you and are so thankful we get to share our Moxie adventures with you.

Poor Moxie.  Just when she thinks it is safe we take her to the doctor again and give her more shots.  Sweet baby girl had an oral vaccine and 2 shots in each thigh.  Strider was the brave parent and held her and talked to her while the torture was happening.  I just fluttered around the outside trying not to lose my composure.  Moxie did better at this appointment than her last–though–and didn’t even cry for the first one.  She is above the 97th percentile in height and in the 95th for weight.  As her tiny Tamil doctor explained: “Moxie is big and beautiful.”

It is Monday and we are spending an evening hanging out after being separated all day.  Moxie and Strider decided to have some super fun play time and here’s how it went:

And then, after dancing and playing guitar they wrapped up the night with some air drumming.  (please ignore that this video is sideways.  If anyone can tell me how to fix it–I’ll do it.)

It is a typical Sunday evening here at the Dorsey-Lee house.  Strider is installing baby gates, I am figuring out food for the week, and Moxie is working on her motor skills.  Of course, Moxie is far more interesting than our chores so we took a break to take pictures and enjoy watching her learn new skills. 

You’ll see here in this movie clip that she is really trying to grab them.  You can see the gears working in her tiny baby brain.  Oh, we are so proud.

Many of you have commented on the craziness that is Moxie’s mop.  Well, we thought we would treat you all to an especially stand up performance by those sweet brown locks.

Last night was bath night.  She really needed it.  She had full on cheese neck, dirty finger nails, troll  toe nails and her hair was out of control.  As we were drying her off I thought it would be funny to comb her hair into a little mohawk.  Here’s how that looked:

She’s very serious about her look. Her parents aren’t.

When she went to bed she played with her hair while nursing, as she always does, and went to bed.  She didn’t sleep super well (we are thinking a growth spurt/teething combo) but, what the photo below indicates, she definitely didn’t touch any electrical outlets.

This isn’t static. It’s an anti-gravity field around her dome.

Anyway, her hair has been the topic of many a conversation and we would like to keep it that way.  Anything to divert attention to her monster feet.

Everyone knows that Strider and I moved away from our parents, friends, and home just a few months after I found out I was pregnant.  Brilliant right?  Right. However, we had the good fortune of moving to a town full of people who love us.  We have family AND friends.  We are so lucky that those friends treat us like family.  Jacque and Doug have been excited about Moxie, very giving of their time and attention, and have just been wonderful.  We appreciate them so much.  

On the topic of Jacque and Doug being good to us… Moxie has finally moved to her own room, into her crib and out of her bassinet.  Well, I shouldn’t say “her” bassinet.  The bassinet that Moxie spent her first 14 weeks of life in is a family bassinet lent to us by Jacque and Doug.  The bassinet has a long history and we are happy to have been a part of it.  I can’t believe she’s outgrown it.  I will miss all her weird sleeping sounds but I admit–I am sleeping much better these days.
Date: September 17
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz

Date: November 25
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz

Date: December 31
Weight: 15 lbs 11.5 oz