Many of you have commented on the craziness that is Moxie’s mop.  Well, we thought we would treat you all to an especially stand up performance by those sweet brown locks.

Last night was bath night.  She really needed it.  She had full on cheese neck, dirty finger nails, troll  toe nails and her hair was out of control.  As we were drying her off I thought it would be funny to comb her hair into a little mohawk.  Here’s how that looked:

She’s very serious about her look. Her parents aren’t.

When she went to bed she played with her hair while nursing, as she always does, and went to bed.  She didn’t sleep super well (we are thinking a growth spurt/teething combo) but, what the photo below indicates, she definitely didn’t touch any electrical outlets.

This isn’t static. It’s an anti-gravity field around her dome.

Anyway, her hair has been the topic of many a conversation and we would like to keep it that way.  Anything to divert attention to her monster feet.

Everyone knows that Strider and I moved away from our parents, friends, and home just a few months after I found out I was pregnant.  Brilliant right?  Right. However, we had the good fortune of moving to a town full of people who love us.  We have family AND friends.  We are so lucky that those friends treat us like family.  Jacque and Doug have been excited about Moxie, very giving of their time and attention, and have just been wonderful.  We appreciate them so much.  

On the topic of Jacque and Doug being good to us… Moxie has finally moved to her own room, into her crib and out of her bassinet.  Well, I shouldn’t say “her” bassinet.  The bassinet that Moxie spent her first 14 weeks of life in is a family bassinet lent to us by Jacque and Doug.  The bassinet has a long history and we are happy to have been a part of it.  I can’t believe she’s outgrown it.  I will miss all her weird sleeping sounds but I admit–I am sleeping much better these days.
Date: September 17
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz

Date: November 25
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz

Date: December 31
Weight: 15 lbs 11.5 oz

As you all know in the first trimester of my pregnancy Strider and I moved across the country–perfect timing.  Before we were only 1.5 hours from my parents and 8 from his.  We were close to our immediate family.  Well, living out here in DC things are different.  We appreciate the Mark Tuckers and our friends here on the East Coast but it is hard being away from our rents. 

Technology is magic.  We have been keeping in touch with family through the internets.  Moxie is starting to look at the screen and really listen to voices.  It isn’t the same as actually hanging out in person–but it is way better than smoke signals–Moxie is really terrible at both sending and reading the smoke.  It is actually a little embarrassing.

It’s hard to pay attention to what I am saying with the big spit up stain on my shoulder.
Grandma and Grandpa catch up with little Moxie on things like drool, poop, and eye contact.

Also: notice Ron slyly giving his beautiful wife bunny ears.  You should see what happens when Strider and Ron get into the special effects options in GoogleChat.  Really, you should see it.

 Well folks, here we are just finishing our second Monday with everyone back at work.  Postings will likely be a little less frequent but we will try to fill them with triple awesomeness.  
After surviving our first full week of daycare and full time work we got to celebrate Hanukkah with family and friends.  It was wonderful.  

Bibi helped Karen as she wrapped up the latkes.  Having never had them before–YUM.  We had ours with homemade apple sauce from Tony.  

Luckily, our first big week of everyone going their own way hasn’t driven the punk out of Strider.  Tony and Karen spoil him by always having Strong Bow cider on hand. 

 You can tell by Ryan’s facial expression he believes everything I say–as he should.  It was really great to have time to chat and catch up with everyone–we hadn’t seen people in a few weeks.

Moxie got time with Hannah (congrats for recently graduating college!!), Jacque (immediately below), Ruby (pictured above), Doug (not pictured), and Karen (way below).  Moxie put on a show for everyone by standing on Jacque’s lap.  Her balance is crap but she’s got some strong legs.  In the first picture here you can really see Moxie’s hinky ear (her left).

Before we ate Ruby lit the candles and everyone said a prayer.  during the candle lighting we all got to wear cool glasses that either showed Stars of David or “Shalom” in the candle light.  See below where Strider attempts to capture the cool effects (also notice the bad ass salad Jacque and Hannah brought).

The meal was amazing: brisket, latkes, green beans (Strider’s fav), homemade apple sauce, and for dessert–donuts.  These people know how to party.

Doug joined us a little late–he was a little sick–but, as you can see below, not too sick to make faces at Moxie and Karen.

 Moxie takes her holiday seriously.

Today was Jess’s first day back at work and Moxie’s first (almost) full day at Rita’s.  Bibi is here helping with the transition (taking Moxie to Rita’s and picking her up) so Jess and Strider can get their schedules set.

Moxie comes home smelling like curry and very happy.  We really like Rita and she loves Mox.  This is going to be a really tough week but Bibi and Rita are making it much easier.

Jess only cried three times today.  Hopefully we can cut it down to two tomorrow.

Moxie and Jess went to a Takoma Mama’s baby brunch.  We are kind of late to the party–we only joined a couple weeks ago–but already Moxie is a huge fan of the other babies.  She’s the youngest–the babies are 3 1/2-6 months old–but she is killin’ it in the hair department.  She can’t roll over or pick things up but man oh man–best hair fo sho.  Seriously, it is actually a little embarrassing.

Moxie assesses the competition.

Mom would rather use her feet to parent.

Best hair in the house.

Circle of babies–every dingo’s dream.

It would be too easy if we both looked at the camera.

Moxie Doodle is 3 months!  She was a little big squirmy during the photo session.  She was cracking up at the camera.  Big Moxie flirts–she makes eye contact, smiles, laughs, coos, tries to mimic sounds and gestures we are making.  She is a really fun little baby.

Also: who have thought Strider and I could keep a baby alive this long?!

Yesterday, among other things, Strider cleaned out his dresser and closet.  Moxie wanted to help but fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the chore was finished (she’s  a smart one).  Once she’s asleep Moxie is a really deep sleeper, we were folding clothes, discussing clothes, and moving things around–she slept the whole time right in the middle of the action.  Can you find the baby in all the mess?