Moxie’s teacher takes pictures everyday. It is wonderful. Here are a few from the last couple of weeks. 
Moxie’s book club. 
Out for a ride. 
Ice and letters. 
Dancing for the lunar new year. 
Let’s get serious. 
They have music class every two weeks. I think this is where she gets her ballerina moves. 

Know who takes ice cream (frozen yogurt) seriously? Moxie. 

She knows the ice cream (frozen yogurt) store, she walks in announcing to the whole place what flavor she wants. Tonight she came in yelling “vanilla” and then “chocolate” (the only two flavors she knows). So she got a small cup with a small pile of chocolate (that she immediately licked). Then she got
to pick her toppings. She chose her “favorites” (note: dirt would be her favorite if it was multicolored and on the set of options for toppings). She got gummy bears, gummy fish (just one), coconut, and rainbow sprinkles. Pretty amazing. 

At my request Bibi and Moxie made rice krispy treats.  Oh the amazingness.  Moxie really likes helping with cooking.  She has this fabulous kitchen stool (gift from cousin Ginger and Claire) and she is learning to be careful around the stove.  She likes measuring things, carefully pouring, and is definitely interested in mixing.   She is now the proud owner of two aprons (thanks Grandpa and Grandma AND Aunt Roxann) and likes to rock them while cooking. 

Yay!  The Mark-Tucker Clan came to see us!  With Moxie they came to the hospital.  But this time we were out of the hospital so quickly they had to see us at home.  Moxie was super pumped to see family and Keen slept through most of it (classic Keen behavior frankly).  They brought a super fun gift for Mox and a cool book about a gorilla for Keen.  Again, though, in typical Keen fashion she just sleeps through readings of the book.  Moxie is really into it though. Also: we ran out of dog food and had to buy some from Trader Joe’s.  This new food did not agree with Pili and she became one of the most successful biological weapons in American history.  She spent the entire visit crop dusting our visitors and almost killed them.  We appreciate the Mark-Tuckers’ ability to persevere.
P.S. Tonight Karen brought over an amazing meal and even sat holding Keen while we eat. She wrapped up dinner by playing a couple of rounds of hide-and-seek with Moxie. 

We had double first baths this week.  Keen lost the last of her umbilical cord so she got a bath and Deuce (a dog toy that looks like Samantha’s bull terrier) got one too!  We saved the baby bath stuff from the hospital and Moxie got to play along. Both Keen and Deuce escaped super clean. 

Keen didn’t love the bath–more tolerated it.  She kept her hands in fists and had a stink eye expression the whole time.
Moxie took her work very seriously.

Everyone will recognize the Johnson and Johnson baby bath.  Mamas will recognize the squeeze bottle.
Post bath nose pick.

“Seriously dad?”
After her bath we noticed that Keen’s hair has just a tiny bit of curl to it.