Yep, another post about preschool. Suck it up folks.
As we mentioned before part of the transition to preschool has been an ice cream social, orientation, and play dates. Moxie has now attended ALL the activities. We’d like to establish our kid as a kiss ass from the start–obviously.
I’m going to post pictures from both play dates. The first took place at the SSDS playground and ALL the kids made it.
I swear. She had fun.
And then the second play date was on a rainy day. Honestly, if Strider weren’t the scheduler I wouldn’t have gone–but because he was and I am a good wife, Moxie and I braved the rain (with no coats of course, and went. I was just about to call it quits when Ms Cathy rolled up and said, “So glad you toughed it out! We play in the rain all the time at SSDS.” Then, without any big deal she joined Moxie out in the pouring rain. It was really cute. I, of course, stayed under a tree.
Puddles, it seems, are Moxie’s jam. She and her friend Kayden (pictured in the yellow jacket) spent a lot of time finding new puddles and either rolling or stomping in them. Makes perfect sense of course. The bottom picture shows Moxie following around her classmate Molly. Molly is one of the youngest and won’t join class until December. She was a little overwhelmed by all the kids playing so she walked around the outside of the playground. Mox followed her for a while.