Just got some pictures in from one of the parent co-opers. He takes really good pictures.
Tag: School
Moxie is having such a great time at preschool. She’s started going to the extended day program (1:30-5:30) where she plays with some pre-k kids. They are 4 years old and much bigger and faster. She loves big kids and they have decided to “take care of her.” It seems like a great experience. Here are some pictures of the last two weeks.
Yep, another post about preschool. Suck it up folks.
As we mentioned before part of the transition to preschool has been an ice cream social, orientation, and play dates. Moxie has now attended ALL the activities. We’d like to establish our kid as a kiss ass from the start–obviously.
I’m going to post pictures from both play dates. The first took place at the SSDS playground and ALL the kids made it.
As part of the process of getting to know her new school Silver Spring Day School hosted an ice cream social–complete with ice cream. Moxie’s mind was blown. Even more mind blowing: her Bibi and Babu showed up to join the party. Mind. Blown.
Today, September 9, 2014 was Moxie’s first day at preschool. She’s met her teacher a couple of times, had an orientation (where she got to see the classroom) and met her classmates. Today was a short day–just 2 hours–but she had a great time. I was getting her back pack ready this morning and she announced: I’m ready to go! and after than there was nonstop talking about her teacher Ms Cathy.