Moxie’s teacher takes pictures everyday. It is wonderful. Here are a few from the last couple of weeks. 
Moxie’s book club. 
Out for a ride. 
Ice and letters. 
Dancing for the lunar new year. 
Let’s get serious. 
They have music class every two weeks. I think this is where she gets her ballerina moves. 

Our preschool hosts dinners at a local restaurant called El Gulfo.  The food is pretty good and they are really nice to kids.  Also: there’s always a performer for the kiddos.  Moxie (seen above) loves to be in the front of the crowd. 

Keen and Grandma watch the other folks.  Keen is terrified.

Mox got her face painted like an elephant.  She now uses toothbrushes, sticks, and food to “paint her eyebrows.”  This is where she got it from. 

Moxie is having such a great time at preschool. She’s started going to the extended day program (1:30-5:30) where she plays with some pre-k kids. They are 4 years old and much bigger and faster. She loves big kids and they have decided to “take care of her.” It seems like a great experience. Here are some pictures of the last two weeks. 

Yep, another post about preschool.  Suck it up folks.

As we mentioned before part of the transition to preschool has been an ice cream social, orientation, and play dates.  Moxie has now attended ALL the activities.  We’d like to establish our kid as a kiss ass from the start–obviously.

I’m going to post pictures from both play dates.  The first took place at the SSDS playground and ALL the kids made it.

I swear.  She had fun.
And then the second play date was on a rainy day.  Honestly, if Strider weren’t the scheduler I wouldn’t have gone–but because he was and I am a good wife, Moxie and I braved the rain (with no coats of course, and went.  I was just about to call it quits when Ms Cathy rolled up and said, “So glad you toughed it out!  We play in the rain all the time at SSDS.”  Then, without any big deal she joined Moxie out in the pouring rain.  It was really cute.  I, of course, stayed under a tree.

Puddles, it seems, are Moxie’s jam.  She and her friend Kayden (pictured in the yellow jacket) spent a lot of time finding new puddles and either rolling or stomping in them.  Makes perfect sense of course.  The bottom picture shows Moxie following around her classmate Molly.  Molly is one of the youngest and won’t join class until December.  She was a little overwhelmed by all the kids playing so she walked around the outside of the playground.  Mox followed her for a while.  

As part of the process of getting to know her new school Silver Spring Day School hosted an ice cream social–complete with ice cream.  Moxie’s mind was blown.  Even more mind blowing: her Bibi and Babu showed up to join the party.  Mind. Blown.

She was really, really, really into the sprinkles.  Like crazy into them.  

Strider got tapped to be the Class Scheduler for the Rolling 2s (Moxie’s class) and thus has to go early to help with things, set up, talk to people, and send emails.  I think he is doing a super good job at it and it meant that Moxie got a head start on the ice cream consumption.  

When Bibi and Babu rolled in it got crazy.  Moxie saw them and started jumping and yelling “Ice Cream! Bibi! Babu!” over and over again.  She has a good life.  She got to play with her new classmates and now has a permanent positive association with her teacher.  Ms. Cathy=ice cream.  Well played teacher.  Well played. 

Today, September 9, 2014 was Moxie’s first day at preschool. She’s met her teacher a couple of times, had an orientation (where she got to see the classroom) and met her classmates. Today was a short day–just 2 hours–but she had a great time. I was getting her back pack ready this morning and she announced: I’m ready to go! and after than there was nonstop talking about her teacher Ms Cathy.

On the way to school she asked (about every 20 seconds) “see Cathy?” To which I answered “yes” a million times. When we got to the room she saw Ms Cathy playing with another girl (there are only two students in the class until October) and ran in screaming “Cathy! Evey!” And immediately began to play with paint and Legos. I said goodbye and she turned, acknowledged me and went back to the fun. 
I came to pick her up two hours later and she was covered in dirt, paint, and a bit of frosting. Evey’s mom brought them pumpkin cupcakes because they both turned two recently.  There’s the snack mom packed: apple and pretzels being ignored for the awesome cupcake with sprinkles. But also notice she’s got her own placemat complete with a picture and her name. 
Here are a few shots her teacher took on their first day: 

She is going to love preschool. Love, love, love it.