Tag: walks

Today, Rita did Moxie’s hair in a pretty cool way. I wanted to get a couple pictures of it for fun. So I decided to take Moxie outside. (Cool photography trick: take pictures outside where there is light.)
However, Moxie had some conditions.
The first three were easily satisfied. She needed a stick (to be obtained outside), a bottle of milk (of course), and absolutely no shoes.

This afternoon I left my windowless office to discover the weather jumped from the 20s to 70! When I got home Strider and I put the leashes on the dogs and Moxie in her stroller. But wait! We not only put her in the stroller but we did it like a big girl. That’s right, Moxie now rides like a boss. She faces out, without the car seat, and did great. She enjoyed the walk and too in the sights. Towards the end she got really comfortable and starting talking to all the neat stuff she was seeing. It was a great day. I love our little family.